Saturday August 19, 2017

The weather, as predicted, was great this morning. High 70’s, sunny, and a good breeze. I picked the last of the beans and pulled up the bushes. I took down the trellis posts and twine. There were still a couple of yellow squash and zucchini’s growing on so I left the squash plants. Once I pulled all the zephyr squash plants up I found a lot of grass under them. I had four sweet potato plants. One was so in-twinned with the beans I accidentally pulled it up too. It did have one good sized potato under it as well as a smallish one.

That took a good part of the morning.  I still have some outdoor chores but stopped those to come in and help Bob work on the food room. We have made a lot of progress. Bob moved some of the food from the food room to the fridge and shelves in the lab area. We cleaned out his “computer stuff” corner and moved the old kitchen table that was to be his desk back in the corner. That opened up the front part of the room for us to build more wall shelving. We used the table to organized his computer stuff. That room is starting to looking a lot better.

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