Friday December 23, 2016

Gym this morning. On the way to the grocery store I stopped in town to run an errand for Frances.

I have some old picture frames that had pictures of me or the family from 40 and 50 years ago. I broke the glass in one in the move and had just put them all up in the attic until I could decide what to do with them. Frances gave me the idea of removing the pictures and getting rid of the frames. I think they took theirs to Goodwill. I stopped at Alleghany Cares this morning with the frames but they would not take the ones that had glass in them. I took the glass out of one leaving those two with them. I stopped at the local frame store who gave me the name of someone who restores old frames. I called her and she was delighted. After dropping off the groceries I drove out to her place. She has a workshop where she finishes the old frames and windows and makes them into chalk boards and other things. She also has a woodworking studio on the other side.

Shes a young woman, perhaps mid 30’s. She showed me some of the stuff she does, very nice.

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