Monday October 21, 2024

Warm and sunny today with highs in the low 70’s and calm winds.

I went to the gym this morning to walk then back home to wait for the heating and air guys to come do the fall service check. They need to order a part to fix the heating part of the system. I have emergency heat if I need it but we are in a warm spell again so I may not need to use it until the part comes. Hopefully it will fix the problem for now or I will be replacing the whole system.

After lunch I went to Donna’s for craft afternoon. Came home, heated up my dinner, then went to the library for the quarterly Library Board Meeting.

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Saturday October 19, 2024

Sunny and warm today with highs in the low 70’s and calm winds.

A busy, busy day at the store. Lots of folks from out of town. The store was full almost all day. We did well over $250.00.

Frances and Al are on their way up for the weekend.

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Thursday October 17, 2024

Warm and sunny today with highs in the mid 50’s and breezy. We’ve had a couple of mornings with frost but not freeze yet. My in ground plants still look good as do a couple of my hanging baskets. Maybe another week before they get bit.

I left for Winston around 8 o’clock. Ran and errand than went to my haircut appointment. Afterwards, met Bonnie for lunch, ran another errand, and back up the mountain.

Fall colors are not pretty this year between the dry weather and the hurricane. They were actually prettier down the mountain and were just starting to turn.

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Wednesday October 16, 2024

Chilly, windy, and cloudy today with highs in the low to mid 40’s. I finally had to turn the heat on yesterday to take the chill off the house.

Not a very busy day at the store. We did okay dollar wise with a couple of big sales to round out the day. I worked a couple of hours then left for my rehab and went back. Joyce had a meeting so I had to close.

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Monday October 14, 2024

Sunny but chilly and windy today with highs in the upper 50’s.

I did a couple of things outdoors this morning but it was too windy to do much. I watered the couple of pots still looking good and dumped a couple.

Came back in and changed the sheets and did a few things in the house.

This afternoon went over to Donna’s for crafting afternoon.

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Saturday October 12, 2024

A beautiful day in the mountains with highs in the low 70’s, lots of sunshine, and calm winds.

A busy, busy day at the store. Several groups of folks up for the weekend celebrating various occasions and staying at B&B’s. We almost made $300.00 for the day. Plus, had several nice donations come in to process. Met lots of wonderful folks and had nice conversations.

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Wednesday October 9, 2024

Warm and sunny today with highs in the low 70’s and breezy.

I worked a couple of hours at the store then left for my cardiac rehab and drove back to the store afterwards. Things are very slow right now as far as tourism goes. This should be our peak leaf season but folks are not coming up as a result of the hurricane. But, here in Sparta and downtown nearby West Jefferson things are back to normal and access is wide open.

Hopefully, the merchants can get the word out on social media that we are open for business.

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Monday October 7, 2024

Sunny, warm, and breezy with highs in the mid 70’s.

This morning I did outside chores. I washed the inside and outside windows in the den and my bathroom. Took the cushions off the porch furniture and hosed those down along with the pots that I have emptied. Cleaned the inside and outside of the front door, swept off the porch, and did a few other odds and ends.

This afternoon I had a Friends of the Library meeting then I went to Donna’s to do crafts.

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October 5, 2024

Warm, sunny, and breezy today with highs in the low 70’s.

It was slow at the bookstore earlier in the week due to the continued disaster in our county and surrounding ones. Things picked up yesterday with more folks coming into town. Today was a good day going over $100.00.

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Wednesday October 2, 2024

Mostly sunny and warm with highs in the low 70’s and breezy.

A slow day at the store with folks still doing flood recovery. I took my midday break to go to cardiac rehab then back to the store.

Thankfully, I had an alternate road to Jefferson since my usual route is blocked due to the road caving in from a landslide. It’s about the same distance so no problem there.

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