Saturday December 16, 2017

I headed down to Winston about 10am. I went to the hospital to see Bob. He is breathing on his own for the most part though they still have the trach in just in case he needs help. The problem is still the lungs which may have infection in them again. He was going down for a CT when I arrived. I did get to talk with the doctor who, like all Bob’s doctors, is excellent. He answered a lot of questions for me to give me an idea of how and where things are going.

From the hospital I met Frances and Al at the very end of the mall parking lot; which is across the street from the hospital. We went to Little Richard’s Bar-B-Q for lunch then browsed around in a very nice antique consignment shop across the street. They took me back to my car and I headed back up the mountain.


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One Response to Saturday December 16, 2017

  1. lynn says:

    Was Bob aware that you were there ? I have been wondering about the possible damage from the coding a week ago.

    Hang in there !

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