Monthly Archives: January 2024

Wednesday January 17, 2024

Single digits last night with minus zero digits with the windchill. It’s warmed up to a balmy 22 degrees with wind chills in the teens but lots of sunshine. Tonight we only go down into the teens but the wind … Continue reading

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Monday January 15, 2024

Snowing all day but not much is sticking to the ground right now. Temperatures are hovering right at the freezing mark but will go down into the upper 20’s tonight. Bushes and trees are covered but I doubt we’ve had … Continue reading

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Saturday January 13, 2024

Sunny but chilly today with highs in the low 30’s but with the wind chill in the teens all day was pretty cold. Tonight we go down into the low 20’s with clear skies. We finally had a  stellar day … Continue reading

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Friday January 12, 2024

Sunny and 40 degrees when I left for town this morning. Midday the winds picked up and the temperature started dropping. It started pouring down rain around 3 pm. Not sure if the cold temperatures for tonight will get here … Continue reading

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Thursday January 11, 2024

Finally, a nice sunny day before the next front moves in. Heavy frost last night and upper teens this morning when I left for Winston. I ran several errands before meeting my friends from The Firm for lunch. Warmed up … Continue reading

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Wednesday January 10, 2024

Winds howled last night with 50 and 60 mph gusts. I got up several times during the night to look out the back and front to make sure all was well. Checked around the house when I got home this … Continue reading

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Tuesday January 9, 2023

We dodged another bullet with the weather. Had it been a little bit colder we would be having a snow storm today. Instead, as of early this morning we have over three and half inches of rain and it is … Continue reading

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Monday January 8, 2024

Sunny but chilly today with highs in the upper 30’s and breezy. Gym this morning then home to shower and eat lunch. I had a Friends of the Library meeting at 1 then stopped by Donna’s on the way home … Continue reading

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Saturday January 6, 2024

A messy day. Temperatures here at the house are in the low 40’s but other parts of the county are at or below freezing making those roads treacherous. Some icing on the trees and decks here. Pat and I decided … Continue reading

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Friday January 5, 2024

Sunny but cold today. Upper 20’s when I left for the store. We made it to 34 degrees by this afternoon with a breeze. Sometime tonight we are supposed to have ice/sleet/snow moving in. Despite a chilly, slow day we … Continue reading

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