Saturday January 12, 2013

Dad called me at 2:30am Friday morning wanting to know why I had not picked him up from the hospital. I had told him I would pick him up at 2:30 Friday afternoon. He was very confused talking nonsense. I hung up and called the nurses station. She said he was eating a bowl of soup and was calming down.

I napped from then on until time for the alarm to go off at 6:45. I worked in the morning then went to lunch with one of the attorneys I support, his secretary and para legals that we had to cancel before Christmas of illness. From lunch I went on the hospital. They called me just as I was arriving to let me know dad had is his discharge papers.

I the meantime mom has been coughing and not feeling well. Frances left work at 2:15 to pick her up for her doctor appointment while I was getting dad from the hospital. I got him settled in the apartment to wait on the oxygen guy to show up. We set up the machine, the portable tanks, and a large tank in case of a power failure.

Frances and mom finished up at the doctor and imaging for an x-ray around 5:45. They came home with food. While Frances stayed to help mom get stuff put away I headed off for the drugstore with prescriptions in hand and a list. Then, while I sat with them Frances left to go home to get Al and what she needed. They came back around 10 to stay the night, I came home.

This morning I gave Bob a haircut then ran the vacuum through the house to at least get up pet hair, etc. I can stand dust but not my floors being a nasty mess. I then took off for the pet store and Wal-Mart to pick up grocery and non-grocery items. Frances call while I was in Wal-Mart. She gave me a list of things mom and dad needed and gave me a report of how things went last night.

Once I get things under control here I am going over to relieve Frances and Al. They are meeting  with a Realtor while I man the home front and meet the home health care nurse. I will stay with them tonight.


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