Saturday March 28, 2020

60 degrees with lots of sunshine and a slight breeze at 8 am when Colin and I went out to start our day. It’s warmed up to almost 80 degrees this afternoon.

The cow fence that runs along tree side of the property is rusted. A popular fence post up here some type of tree pieces, not treated round posts. Most of those have rotted and are falling over. All the fencing is rusted and and falling down in a lot of places.

The upper end near the road is sill in pretty good shape and lot of that section is covered by big rhododendron bushes.

The worst section is in the middle that runs along the neighbors back lot which is all forest. I spent a total of about three hours wrestling with cutting and pulling the rusted wire out and pulling out the rotted fence posts. I also cut back some of the smaller trees and bushes running along the fence line. That is also the section you can see from the front porch looking across the lawn.  It looks much better now.

I took a break mid morning from wrestling with the fence to give the mailbox a good cleaning and put on some new numbers. The old ones were coming off and the mailbox had developed a severe case of dirt, grime, and green slime.

I wrapped up the major outdoors going on noon and came in to take a shower, eat lunch, and get the laundry started. This afternoon I will do some light duty stuff outdoors just to be outside enjoying then nice weather. I think tomorrow we are to start cooling back down with rain back in the forecast.



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